Friday, March 23, 2012

Running [dbo].[insertProjectDetails] ( @ProjectTitle = <DEFAULT>, @ProjectPeriod = <DEF

Running [dbo].[insertProjectDetails] ( @.ProjectTitle = <DEFAULT>, @.ProjectPeriod = <DEFAULT>, @.Client = <DEFAULT>, @.Position = <DEFAULT>, @.ProjectDescription = <DEFAULT>, @.Responsiblities = <DEFAULT>, @.OtherInformation = <DEFAULT> ).

Procedure or Function 'insertProjectDetails' expects parameter '@.ProjectTitle', which was not supplied.

No rows affected.

(0 row(s) returned)


Finished running [dbo].[insertProjectDetails].

Can any body send solution for this error?

Running [dbo].[insertProjectDetails] ( @.ProjectTitle = <DEFAULT>, @.ProjectPeriod = <DEFAULT>, @.Client = <DEFAULT>, @.Position = <DEFAULT>, @.ProjectDescription = <DEFAULT>, @.Responsiblities = <DEFAULT>, @.OtherInformation = <DEFAULT> ).

Procedure or Function 'insertProjectDetails' expects parameter '@.ProjectTitle', which was not supplied.

No rows affected.

(0 row(s) returned)


Finished running [dbo].[insertProjectDetails].


Could you explain what is the problem?

If the SP is expecting parameters such as Date or a string then make sure to pass when it is called, as the error is self-explanatory.

|||PLease do not post multiple (duplicate) threads for the same problem.|||


the projectTitle parameter does not have a default value, therefore SQL Server complains about the facts that no value is passed in. Either pass a value to the procedure or change the procedure to use a Default value if noone is passed in.

@.SomeParamWithDefault INT = 1 --The = 1 is for the default.

HTH, Jens K. Suessmeyer.

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