Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Running a stored procedure from VBScript

Googled around and found this for VBScript code to run a SP:
dim conn
set conn=createobject("adodb.connection")
conn.connectionstring="provider=sqloledb.1;persist security info=false;user
id=xx;password=xx;initial catalog=xx;data source=xx"
conn.execute "test_sp"
set conn=nothing
RAISERROR ('Test message',20,1) WITH LOG
When I run the VBScript, it basically outputs 'test message' as an error
from what I can tell.
I want the VBScript to run quietly, and not output anything.
How can this be done or is there a better VBScript script that I can use?
I'm hoping I can also catch errors with the same script if the SP fails...
MarcoObviously, your SP raises an error and pass it to the calling process (your
VBScript's ADODB.Connection.Execute() call). You simply need to handle the
error in your VBScript code (unfortunately, VBScript has poor exception
handling method):
Public Sub DoSQLStuff()
On Error Resume Next
If Err.Number<>0 Then
'Do something on error, if you want to
Exit Sub
End If
cn.Execute "test_sp"
If Err.Number<>0 Then
'Do something of your choice
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
The point is, after each line of code, if the code could cause runtime
error, you need to check Err object to see if there is error or not.
"Marco Shaw" <> wrote in message
> Googled around and found this for VBScript code to run a SP:
> dim conn
> set conn=createobject("adodb.connection")
> conn.connectionstring="provider=sqloledb.1;persist security
> info=false;user
> id=xx;password=xx;initial catalog=xx;data source=xx"
> conn.execute "test_sp"
> conn.close
> set conn=nothing
> test_sp:
> RAISERROR ('Test message',20,1) WITH LOG
> When I run the VBScript, it basically outputs 'test message' as an error
> from what I can tell.
> I want the VBScript to run quietly, and not output anything.
> How can this be done or is there a better VBScript script that I can use?
> I'm hoping I can also catch errors with the same script if the SP fails...
> Thanks,
> Marco

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