Tuesday, February 21, 2012

RSS feed with ISO8859 encoding

We have an XML source that reads an RSS feed. The document uses ISO8859 encoding, which causes an error in SSIS: "System does not support ISO8859 encoding". Is there any way around this?


Is there no one who can assist me with this topic?
Is it maybe possible to get a list of supported encodings from somewhere?

Best regard,
Dirk|||Likely this is by design.
I will get back to you after some more confirmation.


Andy Conrad (XmlDataReader dev) confirmed
"I don’t think System.Xml supports that encoding. Only the encodings in system.text.encoding are supported. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpref/html/frlrfsystemtextencodingclasstopic.asp

|||AFAIK, there is no such thing as ISO-8859 encoding.
There are several very different encodings defined by ISO 8859
standard, e.g. iso-8859-1 (Latin 1), iso-8859-5 (Cyrillic), etc.
I believe any of these are supported.

I could not check the task now, but tested that
works fine, while
throws an error "'ISO8859' is not a supported encoding name".

So the "ISO8859" without suffix is not a legal encoding,
the feed is not correct.|||You were all right. I had the code ISO8859-15 in my feed, but as described the code is not supported. I didn't knew the importance of the "-xx" at the end so I did not post my extension "-15".

After some mails with the developer of the feed I was able to get the RSS feed now with "UTF-8" encoding - This works perfect!

Thanks for the help!

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