Saturday, February 25, 2012

Run a DTS Package "in the background" or with low priority?

Windows 2000
Sql Server 2000
Quad CPU
I have a DTS update operation that takes many hours to run. The
process is monthly, and for that process speed is not an issue; however,
the database server hosts multiple databases, some with applications
that do interactive queries. The DTS Update step brings down the speed
of interactive queries on the database being updated and all other
databases dramatically.
Is there any way to lower the priority of a DTS package operation so
that it does not impact interactive queries on that databases and other
databases running on the server?
Basically, can I run a DTS package "in the background" or with a very
low priority?
You may want to read The Guru's Guide to SQL Server Architecture and
Internals by Ken Henderson ISDN 0-201-70047-6 which goes into depth on
thread scheduling. You may get some benefit by setting the MAXDOP query hint
on some of your statements. Highlighting what part of your process is slow
and why it is slow may help you to provide a more efficient solution.
You may also want to review the architecture of this process and either
split it into smaller independent chunks that can be run separately, or if
the data created by this process is read-only to the other processes, then
you may want to look at doing it offline and then swapping it in when the
process is complete e.g. having it all in a separate read-only database.
"John Bailo" <> wrote in message
> Configuration:
> Windows 2000
> Sql Server 2000
> Quad CPU
> Problem:
> I have a DTS update operation that takes many hours to run. The process
> is monthly, and for that process speed is not an issue; however,
> the database server hosts multiple databases, some with applications that
> do interactive queries. The DTS Update step brings down the speed of
> interactive queries on the database being updated and all other databases
> dramatically.
> Is there any way to lower the priority of a DTS package operation so that
> it does not impact interactive queries on that databases and other
> databases running on the server?
> Basically, can I run a DTS package "in the background" or with a very low
> priority?

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